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Pakistan's Youngblood Dreams to Play in the IPL; Under Virat Kohli's Leadership

image-lgksrvr0Saim Ayub (Twitter)

Saim Ayub, a young cricketer from Pakistan, recently expressed his interest in playing for the Royal Challengers Bangalore team in the ongoing edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL). He further mentioned Virat Kohli and the team's appealing attire as reasons for his admiration for RCB.

During an interview on the Nadir Ali Podcast, Ayub shared how Kohli's transformation from a young cricketer to a legendary one has inspired him and referred to him as one of the top athletes in the world. 

Ayub, 20, recently participated in a three-match T20I against Afghanistan at the Sharjah Cricket Stadium, mentioned that he has been keeping up with Kohli's progress over time and said:

"I wish to play for Royal Challengers Bangalore, I follow the IPL too. I love their kit and Virat Kohli plays for them too. I admire Virat bhai's journey from a youngster to a legend and he's one of the best athletes in the world."

He also talked about his experience playing alongside Captain Babar Azam and said:

“Sometimes I get tears in my eyes because I made a fifty alongside the world’s number one batter. There is a picture where I am raising my bat and Babar bhai is congratulating me. I have that picture saved and like to keep looking at it. It is quite an inspiration and gives me confidence."

Although, Ayub can't fulfil his aspiration of playing in the IPL since Pakistani cricketers are prohibited from participating in the franchise competition due to a mandate from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). 

This rule was implemented due to political tension between India and Pakistan following the 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai. In the tournament's first edition, which took place before the ban's implementation, numerous iconic players from Pakistan took part.