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Virat Kohli And Novak Djokovic  Similarities: From 'In Your Face' Attitude To Hunger For Victory

Kohli and Djokovic, two modern day-greats [X]
Kohli and Djokovic, two modern day-greats [X]

Indian cricket star, Virat Kohli and Tennis great, Novak Djokovic, are two of the biggest names in their respective sport.

The two modern-day legends have won everything in their respective fields, and have been at the top of the Mount Rushmore for more than a decade now. There is a reason why people believe that two athletes are similar in nature. The two have often been compared with each other and have similar traits which have made them modern-day sensations.

The hunger is still there after so many years

Kohli has been around in the international stage for the last 16-years, while Djokovic has been playing Tennis for almost 20-years now. Despite their longevity, the hunger for victory is still there. They play each match as if its their first, and that separates them from the others.

Even after doing the same thing for years, they haven't got bored of it and that is a hallmark of a champion. You can push them towards the brink of defeat, but every-time the opponent gets the upper hand, they know how to respond back.

The body of a champion

In late 2010, Djokovic suffered from Nausea, and his nutritionist recommended him to change his diet and focus on his fitness level. The result was imminent as the 'Djoker' as they call him, won three grand slams, the following year, and since then, has been unstoppable.

The same could be said about Virat Kohli. He started out as a chubby kid, but soon realised that the path to reach the top of the mountain is never easy. He changed his regime 360 degrees, changed his diet, focused on proper sleep and the results were there to be seen.

He became quicker, fitter, and became the best in the world.