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Edgbaston Birmingham Pitch Report For PAK vs ENG 2nd T20I

Edgbaston, Birmingham [X.com]Edgbaston, Birmingham [X.com]

Pakistan and England will face off in the second T20I of the ongoing four-match series on Saturday at Edgbaston in Birmingham. 

The players and fans witnessed a disappointing start to the series, with a persistent downpour leading to the fixture's abandonment. 

However, with better weather predicted at Edgbaston, a cracking contest is expected between the two formidable outfits. 

So, as Pakistan and England brace for a mouth-watering face-off, let's see how the pitch at Edgbaston in Birmingham will behave throughout the contest. 

Edgbaston Birmingham Pitch Report

Considering there will be a 69 per cent cloud cover, expect the pacers to get some movement early on with the new ball. However, given the Edgbaston's history, the wicket will likely be on the flatter side, helping the batters as the game progresses. 

The pace and bounce will be even, making it ideal for stroke play. Furthermore, the spinners might get a hint of turn, particularly in the latter half of the match. 

Considering the nature of the surface, pacers who are good at bowling cutters and hitting the hard length could excel at this venue. Interestingly, the teams batting first have won all seven T20Is at Edgbaston. 

Therefore, although it contradicts modern-day practice, don't be surprised if the toss-winning team bats first.