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  • This Is The Favourite Exercise Of Virat Kohli That Makes Him The Fittest Athlete Of India

'This' is the Favourite Exercise of Virat Kohli That Makes Him the 'Fittest Athlete of India'

image-ll3gwh6fVirat Kohli is known for his gym exercises [Twitter]

Virat Kohli's dedication to fitness has not only transformed him into one of the fittest cricketers in the world but has also set a new benchmark for athleticism in the sport. His commitment to maintaining peak physical condition has become an integral part of his success story.

His fitness regimen is a combination of various training methods, including squats, weightlifting, cardio exercises, agility drills, and yoga. Kohli's emphasis on strength training has contributed to his explosive batting style, allowing him to generate powerful shots with precision.

His favourite exercise, however, is 'Goblet Squats'. It is a popular strength training exercise that targets the muscles of the lower body, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. 


It is also a great exercise for improving squat mechanics, mobility, and overall lower body strength. Performing goblet squats with higher repetitions and lighter weights can also contribute to cardiovascular conditioning and calorie burning due to their full-body engagement. 

The goblet squat gets its name from the way you hold the weight during the exercise, resembling how you might hold a goblet or a cup. It can be performed with a variety of equipment, including dumbbells, kettlebells, and even plates.

Kohli also follows a strict diet for his fitness. 

90 per cent of my food is all steamed, boiled. No masala. Salt and pepper, lime, that’s how I eat. I am not a big fanatic about the taste of food, I don’t case about the taste. Salaads I enjoy with a bit of dressing. Pan-grilled good with a bit of olive oil or whatever. No curries, I only eat daal (lentils). I would eat rajma and lobhiya as a Punjabi can’t skip it. I would eat daal (lentils) but no masala curries," Kohli had said in a video, according to News18.