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Kolkata Merchants See Surge in Virat Kohli Jersey Sales As Fans Prep For Star's Birthday

image-loguhwpiVirat Kohli will turn 35 on November 5 (Twitter)

In anticipation of the high-voltage World Cup 2023 clash between India and South Africa, there's a phenomenon sweeping across Kolkata, centering on Indian stalwart Virat Kohli. 

Kohli's 35th birthday and IND vs SA match spur jersey sales in Kolkata markets

As Eden Gardens prepares to host the crucial Math 37 of the tournament on Sunday, November 5, a surge in jersey sales bearing the name and number of Kohli has gripped the local markets.

"The demand for jerseys has been very high this year, and a majority of them are asking for jersey 18. I have replaced jerseys with the names and numbers of other players with those of Kohli. Currently, I have around 1,500 such jerseys, and I am confident of selling them all by Sunday afternoon," said a shop owner at the Maidan market as quoted as saying by the Times of India.

This sentiment echoes through the rows of merchandise, where the spirit of cricket fandom is evident. The jersey craze isn't confined to the local market stalls. Official Adidas stores across the city are also witnessing a similar trend, with stocks of Kohli's jerseys flying off the shelves. Silk screen operators, tasked with printing the coveted number 18, are working overtime to meet the high demand.

The timing of this shopping spree is not coincidental. The India vs South Africa World Cup encounter falls on a day of double celebration — the match date coincides with Virat Kohli's 35th birthday. This serendipitous overlap has elevated the excitement around the game.

In an extraordinary tribute, the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) President Snehashish Ganguly has revealed plans to distribute 70,000 masks featuring Kohli's face to fans in attendance, ensuring a sea of Kohli's faces will cheer from the stands. 

Additionally, a laser show and a special birthday cake, followed by a fireworks display, are set to ignite the evening, transforming the cricket match into a birthday bash of epic proportions.

The celebrations serve a dual purpose: to honour the career and influence of one of India's most beloved cricketers and boost the atmosphere of a crucial World Cup fixture.