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'This Was Our First Goal' - Rohit Sharma After India's Qualification For Semis In World Cup 2023

image-lohcc5roIndia put in a complete team performance (Twitter)

India continued their dominant streak in the World Cup 2023 by securing a mammoth 302-run victory over Sri Lanka in Match 33 at Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium. The victory marked India's seventh straight win, as they became the first team to clinch a semi-final berth and also topped the points table.

IND vs SL: Rohit praised the team after India sealed semi-final berth

During the post-match presentation, Indian skipper Rohit Sharma shared his satisfaction with the team's performance. Rohit highlighted the significance of their methodical approach throughout the tournament, starting from the very first match in Chennai.

He praised the team's execution of plans, particularly in opting to bat first and amassing a substantial score to defend. According to Sharma, putting up 350 runs is a formidable challenge on any pitch and he commended his seam bowlers for their exceptional performance.

"Yeah. Very happy that we have officially qualified for the semi-finals now. When we started in Chennai, this was our first goal. But how we approached these seven games, it was clinical. It was a good challenge to bat first and put runs on the board. That's exactly what we did today. You want to score as many runs and 350 is good on any surface and credit to the seamers then the way they bowled,” said Rohit.

The 36-year-old also acknowledged the contributions of individual players, noting Shreyas Iyer's mental strength and his performance that showcased his potential. He mentioned Mohammed Siraj's skills as a seamer, capable of swinging new the ball effectively. Rohit also lauded Suryakumar Yadav's knock in the last game vs England.

"Yes. Shreyas, as far as i know him, is a very strong lad. Very strong in his mind. He did what he is capable of today and we saw it. He has been working hard in his game. Siraj, obviously, another quality bowler. If he does that, things look different for us. He can swing the ball and get the ball to come back in. We are very happy with how the squad has performed. Even Surya for that matter, he also stepped up the last game and scored crucial runs,” added the Indian captain.

The Indian captain expressed his pleasure with the bowling unit, especially the seamers who consistently exploit conducive conditions. Regarding the Decision Review System (DRS), Sharma revealed that he entrusts the decision-making to the bowler and wicketkeeper, a strategy which he believes in despite the mixed results in the game against Sri Lanka.

Looking ahead, Sharma anticipated a challenging match against South Africa, who are performing well. He expects the upcoming contest to be an exciting event for cricket fans, particularly in Kolkata where the match is scheduled.

“It is pleasing to see the bowlers' performances. Just show the quality of the seamers. If there are any conditions for the bowlers, they will extract it. With the seam-up delivery, they keep delivering for us. I have left the DRS to the bowler and the keeper. I'm not in a good position to make a call. I guess I have left it to the individual who I can trust. South Africa are playing some good cricket. It's going to be a great spectacle for the fans around the world and in Kolkata and they will enjoy the game,” concluded Rohit.