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[Watch] Shaheen Afridi's Brilliant Catch Removes Dhananjaya de Silva In World Cup

image-lnk9gltyShaheen Afridi's Brilliant Catch Removes Dhananjaya de Silva [Ap]

In a thrilling World Cup 2023 match, Pakistan's fielding prowess was on full display, debunking critics who often questioned their abilities in the field. The Sri Lankan innings was progressing well, with a formidable score on the board and Dhananjaya de Silva showing his prowess at the crease.

However, the turning point came in the 42nd over of the match when Dhananjaya de Silva decided to go for a big shot. Unfortunately for him, the ball didn't quite meet his expectations in terms of length, and this momentary lapse proved costly. Shaheen Afridi, the Pakistani fast bowler, was quick to seize the opportunity. Under immense pressure, Afridi displayed remarkable agility and composure, making no mistake as he grasped the ball firmly in a brilliant catch. Dhananjaya de Silva's innings came to an end, having contributed 25 runs from 34 balls.

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The dismissal was a combined effort, with Mohammad Nawaz delivering the ball that led to the wicket. Nawaz cleverly tossed the ball into the pitch, forcing de Silva to come down the track but not quite getting to the pitch of the ball. As a result, the ball gained height but not the required distance. Shaheen Afridi, positioned at mid-off, settled underneath it and made the catch look easy, showcasing his fielding skills.

As of the time of writing, Sri Lanka had reached a total of 315 runs for the loss of 5 wickets in 45 overs. The match continued to be an exciting contest, with both teams giving it their all in the pursuit of victory.