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[Watch] KL Rahul Drops A Sitter As 'Unbeaten' Ollie Pope Gets A Lifeline

image-lrx28zuhKL Rahul drops a sitter [x.com]

Ollie Pope's masterful innings in the ongoing Test between India and England has emerged as the defining chapter of the match. His unbeaten century, a stellar display of skill and resilience, has not only propelled England's innings but has also posed a formidable challenge to the home team. 

Pope's commanding presence at the crease saw him reach an impressive 186 runs, with no signs of slowing down, inching tantalisingly close to a monumental double century.

The turning point in the match came when KL Rahul, stationed at slips, faced a straightforward catch opportunity off the bowling of Siraj. Pope, standing at 186, edged the ball, and it seemed destined for Rahul's safe hands. 

However, in a moment of unexpected drama, the usually reliable fielder let the catch slip through his grasp. This dropped chance granted Pope a second life, leaving the Indian team visibly deflated and adding an element of uncertainty to the game.

Watch - KL Rahul drops Ollie Pope playing on 186 

The partnership between Pope and Hartley, now well past the 50-run mark, has further solidified England's dominance. As the scorecard reads 396/7, England has not only piled on the runs but also exploited the fielding lapse to their advantage. The Indian team, known for its formidable home record, suddenly finds itself on shaky ground.