Virat Kohli And Gautam Gambhir to 'NOT' Pay Their Fines?

image-lh7zkom8Virat Kohli (Source: AP Newsroom)

It was the 1st of May and at around 11:30 PM when things got a little heated up between the two sides Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) and Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB), infact, too hot to handle at one point when LSG mentor Gautam Gambhir had a face-off against RCB stalwart Virat Kohli post-match and things didn't really boil down soon.

It went to the point where the entire team management had to step in and separate the two from further engaging in the feud that began when Naveen-ul-Haq fired back at Kohli during the game.

However, the IPL committee took strict note of the actions and handed heavy sanctions to all the players and coaches involved. Kohli and Gambhir were fined 100% of their match fees whereas Naveen was asked to pay 50% of his salary for the game.

Now, according to a report published in the Cricbuzz, Virat Kohli's RCB will pay his entire penalty which comes down to ₹1.07 Crore along with Gambhir and Naveen's LSG who have decided to reimburse the amount for one game which is ₹25 Lakhs and ₹1.8 Lakhs, respectively.

An RCB insider said,

"Players put their bodies on the line for the team and we respect that and as a culture we don't cut the fine from their salaries."

It should be mentioned that most of the teams have decided to pay off fines on the player's behalf as they receive bills after the conclusion of the season.