When Rohit Sharma Called Father His Biggest Hero

image-lmwxhfg9Rohit Sharma will lead India in the World Cup [AP]

Indian captain Rohit Sharma has consistently attributed his achievements to his father's unwavering support and guidance, a sentiment he recently expressed once again with deep emotion. While talking to OneCricket's correspondent, Vimal Kumar, the cricketer recalled his humble beginnings and the tireless perseverance of his father, who has been a constant source of inspiration throughout his remarkable journey.

Rohit Sharma recalls father’s struggles and sacrifices

Rohit Sharma, who has consistently credited his father, Gurunath Sharma, for all his success, has once again described him as his biggest hero. 

While speaking with Vimal Kumar on the latter's YouTube channel, the legendary Indian opener claimed that his father raised him amidst many struggles and sacrificed a lot in his cricketing upbringing. Sharma said:

“My father is my biggest hero. I have said this many times, he raised us with a lot of struggles. The result of this struggle is very sweet. We were small, he sacrificed a lot for us.”

Watch: Rohit Sharma’s full interview with Vimal Kumar

In the meantime, Rohit Sharma is bracing himself for the forthcoming 2023 World Cup in India. The much-awaited cricketing carnival marks his first as Indian captain and his third tournament appearance overall after the 2015 and 2019 editions.

While the 'Men in Blue' had their campaigns disrupted in the semi-finals of the past two editions, Sharma's troops will aim to script history and end India's 10-year ICC title drought by lifting the coveted trophy in front of their home crowd this time.

Rohit Sharma and Co. will launch their tournament run with a match against familiar foes Australia on October 8. The cracking contest is slated to be played in Chennai's M.A. Chidambaram Stadium.