Possible injury awaits Mitchell Starc, sent for scans 

image-lc4jarf7Mitchell Starc [Source: Twitter]

On Boxing Day Test, Mitchell Starc hurt his finger in an uncomfortable catching attempt. Starc was visibly in pain and discomfort seconds after he dove at the boundary. He immediately called for medical attention after getting back onto his feet, highlighting the extent of the injury. 

Being considerably far from the ball, the bowler could only get his fingers under the ball, resulting in a painful blow to his left middle finger. 

Although he came back to the field with a weighty bandage on the finger, teammate Nathan Lyon revealed that the left-arm pacer attempted to bowl in the nets later but found it difficult. An Australian spokesperson had confirmed that Starc didn't suffer a dislocation but the full extent of the injury isn't known. 

Starc sent to scans

The left-arm pacer was sent for scans, confirmed Lyon. He also stated that the situation does look a bit grim for Starc. 

"He's popped off for a scan now. Fingers crossed we can get the best possible result with his scan. I don't know what he's technically done, but it doesn't look the greatest."

This is Starc's second finger injury after a freak accident at Australia's tour to Sri Lanka. The 32 year-old had sliced the tip of his finger on a spike of his bowling shoes. 

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