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BCCI Seeks MS Dhoni's Help To Convince Stephen Fleming For India Head Coach Role

MS Dhoni and Stephen Fleming [x.com]MS Dhoni and Stephen Fleming [x.com]

As the T20 World Cup 2024 approaches and Rahul Dravid’s tenure as head coach of the Indian cricket team ends, all eyes are on MS Dhoni to help the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secure their preferred candidate, Stephen Fleming, as the next head coach.

Fleming, a highly successful Chennai Super Kings (CSK) coach, is hesitant to commit to a long-term contract due to his current coaching roles and family commitments.

Fleming’s Concerns and BCCI’s Approach

Stephen Fleming’s impressive coaching resume includes stints with the Texas Super Kings (USA), Joburg Super Kings (South Africa), and the Southern Brave (England). These roles offer him shorter seasons, allowing him to spend more time with his family.

In contrast, the head coach position for Team India requires a year-round commitment, which has made Fleming hesitant about a long-term contract.

 "Fleming hasn’t said no. He has expressed his concerns about the tenure of the contract, which is nothing unusual. Even Rahul Dravid wasn’t keen in the beginning. He was persuaded. It shouldn’t be a surprise if the same thing happens with Fleming. And who better than MS Dhoni to do the job?” a BCCI source told Hindustan Times.

MS Dhoni’s Role

MS Dhoni has a close relationship with Fleming, built over years of working together at CSK and the Rising Pune Supergiant. The BCCI believes Dhoni’s influence could be crucial in convincing Fleming to take on the head coach role. 

"Opening channels with Dhoni during the IPL was not the right thing to do, but now it may be worth a shot,” the source added.

With senior players like Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli nearing the end of their careers, the Indian team is poised for a period of transition.

The BCCI sees Fleming’s experience, tactical understanding, and man-management skills as ideal for navigating this period. 

As the T20 World Cup 2024 looms, cricket fans eagerly await to see if Dhoni can leverage his influence to bring Fleming on board and lead India through this crucial phase.