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'Ones That Hide Behind Keyboard..'- Warner's Interesting 'Beer' Invitation For His Critics

image-lqun43t9David Warner (Twitter)

David Warner, as he prepares for his final Test at the Sydney Cricket Ground, addressed the criticism he faced during the 'Sandpaper Gate' scandal in 2018. Reflecting on his journey, Warner acknowledged the existence of two types of critics: those who hide behind keyboards and those who engage in face-to-face discussions. He emphasized the importance of genuine support, stating:

“There are two types of likes and dislikes. There are ones that hide behind the keyboard and there are ones in real life who have a sit down with you, have a beer and get to know you. They are the real people who actually support you."

Known for his candid nature, Warner expressed openness to engage with those who disagreed with him publicly and said:

"I’m very honest, I’m open, always happy to have a beer with anyone that has a disagreement in the public. If you don’t like what you see on TV, reach out I’ll have a beer with you. That’s open to anyone." 

Addressing the fallout from the scandal, Warner admitted that the situation could have been handled differently but affirmed that he has moved forward. Despite facing sanctions and a leadership ban, Warner found opportunities to lead in T20 leagues globally and redefined leadership as being true to oneself and setting an example on and off the field.

In terms of lessons learned, Warner recounted his efforts to rebuild after leaving South Africa, attending a church convention, playing grade cricket, and reconnecting with the grassroots of the game. 

"Reflecting back on that whole period, my whole career, I have got no regrets because you are going to have a lot of hurdles you are going to have to jump. There are going to be obstacles in the way, but you have to move forward and I have done that with dignity. I have got a lot of passion for the game and it was important from my perspective that I am giving back, making sure that I gained the respect back but making sure I am putting Australian cricket first. I want every young kid who wants to play cricket to dream of playing for Australia and that was what was really important for me when I came back."

He emphasized the importance of giving back to the cricket community and expressed his desire to inspire every aspiring young cricketer to dream of representing Australia. Concluding with a reflection on his career, Warner asserted that he harbors no regrets and has navigated hurdles with dignity, driven by a passion for the game and a commitment to putting Australian cricket first.