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'Please Get In Contact...,' Moeen Ali In Pursuit of Fan Who Healed His Finger Injury

image-lk88xvmcMoeen Ali in Ashes 2023 (Twitter)

England all-rounder Moeen Ali is on a quest to locate the fan who aided in the healing of his cut finger during the start of the ongoing Ashes series.

After England's primary spinner Jack Leach suffered a back injury, Moeen emerged from Test retirement to participate in the five-match series.

During the first Test at Edgbaston, the severe gash on Moeen's spinning finger hampered his bowling on the final day, resulting in a two-wicket loss for England. He was subsequently omitted from the second Test at Lord's but made a triumphant return in the third Test at Headingley, playing a pivotal role in England's victory.

In an interview with BBC Sport, Moeen recounted receiving a letter from a lady whose husband is an ardent supporter. The couple noticed the gash on his finger while watching the match and believed that Medihoney could aid in the healing process. Although he cannot recall the person's identity, Moeen expressed his appreciation for the thoughtful gesture and lamented misplacing the letter, initially intending to reply once the series concludes.

"I can't remember who it is. If the lady sees this, please get in contact because I really want to write back to say thank you. I got home after the Edgbaston Test and a few days later I got a letter from a lady who said her husband is a big fan of mine. They were watching and saw the gash on my finger and thought the Medihoney would really help me. I tried it and it really healed my finger straight away. It's amazing that someone had written to me about this. The only thing I'm really gutted about - I put the letter on the table in my house thinking after the series I will reply, now I can't find the letter,"  Moeen Ali told BBC Sport.

Meanwhile, England has confirmed that Moeen will retain his position as the No.3 batter in the fourth Ashes Test, which begins on July 19th in Manchester. He batted at No.3 in the second innings of the previous Test, while Harry Brook was moved back to No.5 after batting at three in the first innings.