Cricket Scotland Board resigns with immediate effect

The Cricket Scotland Board has resigned with immediate effect. The Directors involved with the board issued a letter of resignation on Sunday, July 24 to the Chief Executive Officer.

Cricket Scotland will now be working with Sports Scotland with immediate effect to ensure appropriate governance and leadership is in place for the sport.

The text of the resignation letter can be read below:

The board’s resignation came after an independent review found Scotland Cricket to be ‘institutionally racist’. The investigations were conducted after former cricketers Majid Haq and Qasim Sheikh made claims about facing racial harassment throughout their careers.

Immediately after their allegations, Sports Scotland appointed Plan4Sport to conduct a review within the cricket board.

Aamer Anwar, lawyer of Majid Haq and Qasim Sheikh, said:

“Cricket Scotland is dysfunctional and institutionally racist - if that is confirmed by this review, it will be devastating for Cricket Scotland. There are those within the organisation who should be ashamed of their treatment of Majid and Qasim and so many other cricketers who gave their lives to cricket but saw their careers taken away from them”.

According to a report by Daily Mail, Majid made these allegations last year after Yorkshire cricketer Azeem Rafiq spoke about the racial discrimination he faced while playing County cricket.

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