'Blast is the best T20 competition in the world'- David Lloyd

The 2022 season of the T20 Blast is all set to get underway from May 25, with all the top players in attendance. However, the voice of David Lloyd will be missed in the commentary box, as the veteran retired in December last year. 

With close to 700 domestic appearances and stint as an umpire and commentator, Lloyd had it all covered during his esteemed career. 

This summer, Lloyd is said to have been working with Lancashire's in-house coverage, Lancs TV, which is a popular channel on YouTube.

In a recent interview, Lloyd has reckoned that he will miss being on the ground to cover the T20 Blast. 

"I will miss working on the Blast incredibly, just as much as Test cricket," said Lloyd. 

The former commentator thinks Blast is better than all the T20 leagues globally due to the longevity and happiness it brings to the spectators. He added that the tournament's finals day is one of the greatest days in the English cricket calendar. 

"I think the Blast is the best T20 competition in the world - not for its quality necessarily, but for its longevity, the joy that it brings to spectators in the UK, culminating in one of the greatest days in the cricket calendar -Finals Day."

The 75-year-old compared Blast with IPL and terms the latter as a benefit to already wealthy people. Moreover, he reckoned that Blast serves the people best and helps pump money into the game. 

"I have worked on the IPL, but it is a private enterprise and benefits already wealthy people. The T20 Blast is for the people and bringing money into the game. That's a major factor for me in saying it is the best. The IPL fits an Indian audience because the players are Gods out there, but it is deadly serious," said the former commentator.

In the end, Lloyd thinks The Hundred has brought new interest to the game, but the introduction of the tournament has killed County Cricket. 

"The Hundred is fun and has brought new interest. But the problem is it doesn't fit. It messes up too many other things. If you look at the three main players - ECB, Sky, and BBC - ECB likes it because it brings a shed full of money, Sky's viewing figures are high, and it gets the BBC into the game, a short game, and that fits their schedules. But it kills county cricket," he concluded.