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Here's All You Need to Know About Hefty School Fees of MS Dhoni's Daughter Ziva's Education

image-lkxqrm1vMS Dhoni with daughter Ziva during a school function (Twitter)

Former Indian captain, MS Dhoni, is known for his humility and modesty despite his substantial wealth. This humbleness reflects in Dhoni's wish for his daughter, Ziva, to grow up with the same grounded values.

What is Ziva Dhoni's school fees?

In his pursuit to instill the same morals in his daughter, the legendary cricketer has enrolled her at the prestigious Taurian World School in their hometown in Ranchi. Considering the prominent reputation of the school, it’s natural for fans to wonder about Ziva Dhoni’s school fees.

As per the school's fee structure published on their official website, Dhoni's investment in Ziva's education amounts to a notable annual expense of Rs 2,75,000, translating into approximately Rs 23,000 monthly for Day Scholars in grades 2 to 8. It's a sum that may seem significant to some, but Dhoni views it as a worthy investment in Ziva's future.

Despite being a millionaire several times over, courtesy of his IPL contract, commercial endorsements, and various business ventures, Dhoni prioritizes his daughter's educational and personal growth. 

The substantial fees underscore the high-quality education and diverse extracurricular opportunities that the school provides, elements that Dhoni is committed to availing for Ziva.

Ziva, a third-grader, has already become an Instagram sensation with a following of 2.3 million. She's known for her vibrant appearances, rooting her father on during the Indian Premier League matches.

The focus here, though, is not her flourishing social media popularity but the balanced upbringing she is receiving in Ranchi.

It's worth noting that if Ziva were enrolled in the school's boarding program, the annual fee would escalate to Rs 4,40,000. Yet, regardless of the financial facet, the crux of the story underlines Dhoni's commitment to providing the best for his daughter.