India cricketers Hardik and Krunal Pandyas’ father passed away on Saturday, 16 January, due to a cardiac arrest at the age of 71. Pandya who earlier returned from Australia after the limited-overs fixtures was at home when his father took the last breath while Krunal is presently leading the Baroda side in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy.
The left-arm all-rounder has left the tournament.
“Yes, Krunal Pandya has left the bubble. It is a personal tragedy, Baroda Cricket Association mourns this loss of Hardik and Krunal,” Baroda Cricket Association CEO Shishir Hattangadi told ANI.
Hardik's father, in an interview had said that whenever he talks about his sons, he does get emotional. “Whenever I speak about Hardik and Krunal, I cannot control my tears and that they have done so well is God’s gift. Our intentions of letting them play cricket from a very young age was questioned and criticized by many relatives. But we were not willing to change our plans, and it is great to see what they have achieved now,” Himanshu Pandya had earlier told MI TV in an interview.
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